Wednesday, December 3

Welcome To Heartbreak

'Ye I feel your pain
Artist: Kanye West
Album: 808s and Hearbreak

Yesterday night was the most stressful night of my life. I voluntarily indentured myself into musical slavery for 5 hours, knowing full well that I had a 7-page paper and an equivalently long power point project due.  I get out of Glee Club (indentured servitude) at 10:49, (yes :49 because that's when I look at my phone and went, WHAT THE SHIT!) I missed my friends probate and I hadn't eaten, so I went to Jazzman's dude at the register hooked me up. Thanks to "The moves" and I got a sandwich and a tea. Oh BTW did I tell you that I'm losing my voice, and my vocal performance final is tomorrow. Yeah, lets I'm pshyced for that.

Anyways, so after that I go to my friend Karl Marx's room to study, I end up taking a 3 hour nap in his bed, while he's talking to three different girls on the phone loud as shit. (I see you K. Marx) Then I finally get myself up, (oh it's about 3 o'clock by now) take my ass to to the library and start this 7 page paper. So I'm writing whatever, and Audrey falls a foot and a half to the carpeted floor. I didn't think much of it, because Audrey's made of tough stuff and my computer continued to run. 

Then I try to save my 7 page paper, which I was on page 5 of, and what happens AUDREY CRASHES. Not only does she crash but when she restarts she starts CLICKING. For those of you who don't know, CLICKING IS A VERY BAD THING. I knew the ominous sign was coming too, the Grey Folder of Death. That folder means you just kiss your computer and send it down on to Jesus because there is NOTHING you can do. When this happened I started screaming and cursing loud expletives in the library. Needless to say I was the center of attention, then my friend wanted to be snide and say "Switch to a PC..." Helll no.
So now i'm in the mac store, blogging in front of everyone, but I had to tell y'all ughhh. Thank god all my music is backed up on Mr. Mushnik (My External Harddrive) and all my pictures are on Audrey II my ipod.
I need some much  needed R&R tonight.