Tuesday, December 9

Untitled (How Does it Feel)

Artist: D'Angelo

A person once wrote to me....

"I charged your fallacies to your head and not your heart."

After re-reading that sentence over 20 times, I knew I was in dangerous waters, I had found someone who just got it, and I was about to be in deep. Time moved on, as it has been proven to do, and I stopped receiving those letters and statements that just reassured me that I had found something good. Other people came and other people went, but I have always remembered that/him. Instead of becoming at peace with the situation, and with a person who understood me, I grew to resent it and him. I let him fade away, with the flawed reasoning that the less present he was in my life, the less pressing my dangerous emotions would be, for anything. Pride pushed him away too, I think that's why people can't "just be friends" pride gets in your way of a healthy friendship.

So, Words of Advice from me:
Don't ever let someone that right for you slip or fade away. They might not be in the particular place you want or expect them to be, but don't ever let them completely fade from your life. I really do believe that God puts certain people in your life for certain reasons, and while you may have met someone under certain circumstances, that doesn't mean that they can't be in your life when those circumstances end.

Ex-Boo's can be great friends,
Old Enemies may not be so bad when you forget what you were mad at them for.
Acquaintances sometimes should stay just that...