Monday, November 10

What I Want My Words to Do To You

it's rough y'all..

I want my words to reach you
with their lyrical fingers grasping the inner depths of your soul.
I want them to shock you
with their electric rhythm pulsing hurriedly through your body
I want them to tear past that hardened exterior
with intense allusions to penetrate the whole of you.

My words, are more than just a series of twenty-six letters randomly coupled together, through an alphabetical dating game.
they are more than a grouping of definitions to reach a common goal, while stopping to make sure the subjects and verbs aren't on their way to an altercation
they are more than vowels and consonants sliding down the tongue into unidentified ears and unenlightened minds.

My words are more than you know.

My words are a message, sent out through rain, sleet, snow, and sunshine
meant to touch the inner self and gaze into your outer being
They are a pulse, set to radiate with warmth and coldness, 
caressing their receiver like a mother to her child, or stinging them with the ferocity of an angered hornet.
They are an unveiling, releasing your reticence, replacing each reserve with tremors of unstable emotions. Heartache, Lust, Ecstasy, Anxiety, Compassion, Grief

My Words can not be merely described by words.
My Words can only be described by you.

I wrote this after watching the documentary "What I want My Words To Do You" about Women prison inmates who used writing to discover themselves. Of course, their poem didn't have a direct audience, it was more general. While looking at it one more time, mine can be considered general, even though I wrote it for one person in particular.