Monday, November 10


Artist: Daft Punk
Album: Human After All

"Buy It, Use It, Break It, Fix It"

So, this morning I woke up at six o' clock to write a paper I had been procrastinating on all weekend. (Which I finished in astronomy) However, when 7 o'clock came around, I took my ritualistic nap, and I set Audrey (My White Macbook) on the floor. Meanwhile, I had completely forgotten that Audrey II (My Black Ipod) was plugged in. So I took my nap, tangling myself in Audrey's cord. (Yes. I sleep in technology) So an hour later I woke up to polish off my essay, and Audrey would not WAKE UP!! She was in a coma!! So I restarted her, performing Apple's preferred method of CPR (hold the power button) and all I got was the reboot sound and the grey screen. No APPLE LOGO! I was so upset, I almost called Dr. Johnson, except then he would have asked me too many questions.

So I was planning on how I was going to lay Audrey to rest and bring her into the Apple store. So I unplugged Audrey II, because no one wants to be attached to a dead mother, and then POW the Apple logo appeared, the hard drive started spinning, and Audrey was ALIVE again.

Most importantly, it recovered the document, I had failed to save and I was able to submit my assignment by ten.
