Friday, November 7


Artist: Fiona Apple

Album: Tidal
Is having trouble waking up, you'd think that with daylight savings time I'd be able to just go. Especially with my behind that "wakes up with the sun," but for some reason My alarms nor my Clock Radio is waking me up! I think it's because every time I hear it, I think it's gonna wake my roommate up and I turn it off really fast, and then I get back in the bed myself.

This is not a good look, because it means I go to class everyday looking like a bum, when I don't have to, and it means that I might, perhaps, possibly skip out on my classes for sleep. I need to go see a doctor because this is just getting to much, when you've got to sleep at 2:30 in the PM for no good reason.

I mean I know I sleep to dram, but come on!