Friday, November 7

The Party

Artist: Justice


So it was DM's birthday today, and he threw a little gathering at Harlem Bar. I originally wasn't going to attend, but The Clique got me dressed up and ready to go. It was a nice little get together, there were some rowdy people, but it was all love. The girls and I got our Sex and the City on, took pictures and coined our new toast. "Maverick!" 

Harlem Bar is a nice little spot, but I'm not gonna lie, it's in the hood. There's a great little spot for a small band or a DJ, and it's loud but quaint. There can be a lot going on, but you and your date can be in your own little world. It's not a place to go if you don't want to be seen because a lot of the waitresses are from the AUC. Actually, one patron and I were talking outside and she said, "I've seen you before on someone's facebook pictures" and she was an '05 Alum. They don't have a wide variety of spirits and the like and even worse my Cosmo was in a PLASTIC martini glass. However they did redeem themselves with BOMB ass shrimp and an amazing dessert. The Sweet Potato Cheesecake, get it, love it, don't eat anything for the rest of the week. This thing is so rich, and so tasty I basically devoured it all. I know I'll come back on date night, or when we hop again.

Honestly, I've been waiting on one of these nights for a while, sip a Cosmo and just be girls, and like Dane Cook says "Fuck Guys." Heh, it was great. The craving did resurface though, in a big way. I don't carry the contraband around with me as a major deterrent, although there are some in my top drawer of my desk. However, when someone has some and willingly gives it to you, and you're already "on" you can't help it. Well I can't help it, and I have no one to just back me up or no one to say no for. I know, I should say no for myself, but honestly I'm not at that point yet, it's such a grey area. I can't stand the guilt though, because it's coming. I know it is.