Friday, November 7

How to Deal With The Habitual Line Stepper

So, I feel like there is a lot of bitchassness going on around me. [late] However, I feel the majority of this bitchassnes has been coming from those who are Habitual Line Steppers. I don't know about you, but this I cannot deal with. So, I have decided to write a little guide on how to deal with a Habitual Line Stepper.

First let me define the Habitual Line Stepper, or HLS for short.

Definition: One who constantly steps over "the line" whatever that line may be. This has the effect of forcing you as an observer to set him or her straight with physical force or the threat of physical force. [Stolen straight from Urban Dictionary]

Now, where can you find the Habitual Line Stepper? This is easy, anywhere. It could be that belligerent guy at the bar, who thinks he's your friend. That girl who cuts you off in the cobbler line EVERY wednesday and then takes the last piece of crust. Or the roommate who constantly dampens your mojo. However, most likely the Habitual Line Stepper is close to you. It could be a friend of a friend, that one girl in your Clique, or even...your best friend. However, no matter how close you are to this HLS, you must realize that you must always keep them in check.

1. Do not lead them into situations where they can quickly get buck
if you know they are belligerent drunks, do not let them throw back the shots with everyone else. Make them a bitch drink and deem it special, that way you defuse the situation, while boosting their ego, which makes anyone feel nice.
2. If the situation happens to get buck, establish dominance
ESPECIALLY if you are in close quarters, make your presence known. The HLS will always want to have the last word, so make sure your words are poignant and stinging. This might turn into what people call a "Try-Fest" however, just sit back and think of something that will shut them up for good. If they try to recruit other people to their line stepping tendencies shut it down. If the HLS succeeds, you will lose. You MUST shut it down before it gets to that level, change the subject, give the death stare, smack a bitch.
3. The Habitual Line Stepper must be put on Probation
Do not let the HLS think that it is okay, it only reinforces their habitual tendencies, everything is not cool once they have crossed the line. You must put them out to think about their wrong doings. Most likely the HLS will not get it the first 5 times, but sooner or later they'll get the hint. Plus if you don't you will look like the HLS's bitch, and that's never a good thing
4. Remember the Habitual Line Stepper cannot help him/herself
While this does not justify the HLS's actions, remember that there is almost nothing
they can do to change their line stepping habits. While you may put them in check, they will
definitely cross the line with another person and you must stand up for that person if you
want to keep all of your progress with the HLS valid, otherwise they will regress and
all your efforts will be for naught.

Happy Trails.