Wednesday, May 14

My Dick

Artist: Mickey Avalon

Album: [Self Titled]

So, I don't know what to think right now. With the absence of boys, I've realized this is a point in my life where I'm not relying on emotions, or more specifically love to hold me up. I can walk around being single and not think of having a significant other by my side. I mean, it would be nice. I'm not gonna lie and be all I-N-D-E-P.. well you know the song.

Everyone's gone, well all my guy friends, and that brought a lot of confusion out of my life and brought in some much needed clarity. It's good for me, I'm at peace. Or at least lazy...but that's all over on monday I go back to Princeton.

Oh yeah...JOEY'S COMING TO NEW YORK! He's such a cutie patootie. Well he's like one of my most awesome male friends, who I met at a party, and he helped carry my friend home. Then I forgot my cell phone with him, and he gave it back to me the next day over coffee. (Tres Cute) We started talking and flirting, noticing that we had a lot in common. Totally hooked up after the homecoming game, (he's teethy :0( ) Called it a night, became friends, played spades...HARDCORE..and became close! (That's the short version)

Then he pulled a douche move and kicked it back to Cali :0( but I still love him. He's great.