Thursday, May 22

Bleed American

When you start to regret, your mind goes to a dark place. It finds all those little things that you remember that no one else does, embarrassing moments, major letdowns, and of course the previous "once in a lifetime loves" that you've had, and exploits them. When your mind heads toward that dark place, it sometimes helps ease it's journey with a bottle of tequila, or for those made of lighter stuff, a six pack of Smirnoff Ice and an Arbor Mist for good measure. Without the pleasant lubricant of alcohol the journey becomes not only dark, but unbearable. You turn off your lights, cuddle in your bed, and become strangely quiet while thinking about the one that got away, the boyfriend you made up that everyone found out about, or the time in 3rd grade where you called your teacher Mom.

Yeah. I'm in the Dark Place.