Saturday, June 7

This is a little hot, even for me.

She popped in her Sergio Mendes CD and sauntered back to the small bar in the corner of her apartment. "I make a mean Martini, it'll take the edge off, I promise" he said to her. A drink would make her feel better, she was dying on the inside, and a little alcohol would greatly soothe the pain. "Sure, the shaker's in the cabinet behind you," she pointed past him and he quickly got two glasses and went to work. She sat there, swaying her head to the music and getting lost in her thoughts.
"I've never had Sushi before, is it good?" he asked, trying to ease the tension. This wasn't like the first time, the first time they both knew what they came for, but this time with two years ahead of him he didn't know what to expect from her. "Oh it's great, I didn't know what you liked so I got a variety, it'll be great for your first time." she chuckled at her last words. He smiled as he got her meaning and realized he hadn't really spoken to her since their last encounter those two years ago.
Behind her chuckle he could still see her pain, she had just lost her girlfriend in the worst way, and ironically he was the only one around to comfort her. He handed her a drink, and said "Here, Drink up." She took a sip, and set it down to unpack the food they were about to eat. "You weren't kidding," She looked around. "I never really make use of this bar, it's usually just me and Sheila so we just eat at the TV, she's the only company I have." Her voice took a nervous tremble and he jumped in. "Alright, no more of that name, I know you're sad now, but don't mourn, you're a gorgeous single girl, you'll find plenty more guys...erm I mean girls out there who'll be great for you."
He was still unaccustomed to the fact that a girl he messed around with freshman year had become a lesbian. "Damn, she's too good looking to be a Dyke." He thought. She'd really changed over the past two years he had known her too. She lost her pudge that made her womanly curves become a great deal more pronounced. Standing at a short 5'4 frame, she made up for her small stature by never being caught dead without a pair of heels on, creating a serious pair of toned legs and firm thighs. She didn't have much ass for a black girl, but it was enough curve for any man to salivate over. Not to mention, her all natural hair hit her in the middle of her back, and flowed like the sea. He took her in with his eyes, and kept wondering how she could only be attracted to girls. "If I saw that every time I looked in the mirror, I'd go for girls too." He thought smiling.
Her almond eyes were downcast while eating her food, and her full lips were shaped in to a pout of despair. Sensing her sadness he interjected into her thoughts, "What kind is this?" he asked, pointing to an oozing orange piece of sushi with sesame seeds around it. "That's a New York roll, it's a mix of Salmon, Caviar, Apples, and Mayo, I know it sounds weird but it tastes wonderful." She popped one in her mouth eating it whole, washing it down with the last few drops of her drink. "Oh goodness," she chuckled, "I guess I'll have to make my own martini now." She got up and swayed behind the bar, a little buzzed from the first martini.
"So how's life?" she asked, while making the second batch of drinks. "It could be better, but I can't complain. You're doing big things though, running your own shop with Jason." It was true, she opened a shop with his best friend Jason combining his masculine style with her very feminine one. The store was a very successful and fashionable boutique in the Little Five Points area of Atlanta, in fact she lived in a connected apartment right over top of it. "It's really great, it's just extremely hard to manage school with owning a business. I would drop out, but my parents would kill me, they've already paid enough for a Mercedes AMG...I wish I had that instead of these damn student loans" she said whistfully, looking at the picture of her dream car on the far wall. The only butch thing about her was that she loved cars. She drove an 00' Audi, but kept it looking and running like it was brand new. He always bonded with her over cars, and he was partial to her goofy nature.
"There you go with those cars again," he said, acting exasperated. "Shut up, you know you couldn't wait for me to start talking about them again." She smiled, it was her first one of the night and it was as beautiful as ever. Every time she smiled her face glowed, she always smiled with a sense of sincerity that couldn't help but make the receiver of that smile grin as well. They started on their third drink when the topic went to something a bit more serious. "Why do you think she cheated on me?" She asked painfully, looking for him to answer, but he didn't know a good one. "Honestly, I can't tell you why people do the things they do, you will never fully understand anybody, not even yourself." She nodded her head while nursing her drink, "You're so right, I don't even understand myself." she sipped her martini, and kept staring a hole into the carpet. "You and the rest of the world" he muttered.
"You know, you're the reason." she started abruptly. "The reason for what?" he inquired, "Well, you know for the whole girl-on-girl action thing." He was floored, he knew that she had started messing with girls a little after him, but he never knew the how or why. "Why?" he asked. "You really hurt me," she frowned, "leaving me like that." She was referring to their first and only encounter. It had been her first time. He couldn't remember how many times it had been for him. She came over and things happened, but shortly after he had gotten back together with his ex-girlfriend and they had stopped talking. They straightened things out a long time ago and she said it was okay, but apparently it hurt her a lot more than she let on. "I kept lying to myself, but the truth was I had completely fallen for you. I didn't know how far I had fallen until you stopped speaking to me. I really was devastated" She didn't look at him while she said her piece,
"Shortly thereafter I vowed to myself not to let any other man hurt me like that, and to only get emotional with someone who would be emotional back, so I switched to girls." she stated matter-of-factly. He was completely taken aback, he had managed turned her out without even knowing it. "I never meant to hurt you, I'm not good with feelings and I just ran away from them, I knew I shouldn't have, and I regret it to this day." He frowned and mentally punched himself. After sighing and taking another sip of her drink she said, "What's done is done, we can't change the past, everything happens for a reason."
She popped another piece of sushi into her mouth, this time getting a little bit of the overly abundant mayonnaise on the side of her lips. Instinctively, he reached out his thumb to wipe it off, but instead of cleaning his finger off with a napkin, he found it tracing the contours of her lips, and then being sucked into her mouth while she licked the offending sauce away with her tongue. He slowly removed his finger from her mouth and let it slip down the sides of her face, then her neck to her body re-discovering her curves along the way. All the while he stared intently into her eyes looking for approval.
What he found were a pair of smoldering eyes staring at him that spoke volumes

and that's as I got...well Keeping it PG.