Wednesday, April 30


Artist: Beyoncé Knowles

Album: Dreamgirls (OST)

So I've decided the mourning period is officially over, it's been over for a while. It's time to pick up the pieces, and collect Victoria. It's all about me now, I need to make sure that myself is first before anyone else, ya know? I know that when my mind is wandering I think of Bubble Gum, like what would have happened if the whole situation hadn't blown up in my face. (Unrealistic as it might be) However, I need to stop doing th
at it's done over, no use crying over spilled milk. Just clean it up and get on with your life.

Although, it's not so easy when the next thing in your life is Finals. You hole yourself up in your room, and crank papers and whatnot out like a machine. 

All That Aside...LOOK