Thursday, February 21

I Wonder

Artist: Kanye West

Album: Graduation

"And I wonder, if you know, what it means. To find your dreams"

I'm a big believer in  dreams, in fact I sleep to dream. Most people sleep to feel rested, or have energy for the next day. But the highlight of my day is to dream. I do it in class, or at the lunchtable, anywhere is fine, though I'm most comfortable dreaming in my own bed. I dream about boys, or about dramatic situations I only wish to be in. But those are summoned dreams, they're the dreams of my conscious thought. My real dreams, are a lot less wanted and a lot less sweet. I usually dream of loss and death. Someone dies, and all my family gathers 'round, or someone in my family dies. Sometimes I'm lost in an empty building, that looks like it's perfectly safe, yet it's about to come down on top of me.

I'm always lost in my dreams, rambling from place to place. Exploring, but at the same time fear of being caught by something. I don't know why this is, but I've had these dreams since I was very little. Sometimes my dreams are very vivid, and it's subsided now, but I used to have really really bad Deja Vu. No lie, it was something awful.  I wouldn't get like full visions and stuff, but a picture would be in my head when I dream, and then when all the events happen in life and fall into place:

Say I was sitting in a room and a girl crossed her legs, and then another one put her pencil on the desk in a certain fashion, and the exact picture I had in my head before comes into reality, and it's always for a split second. Strange.