Thursday, January 10

Gossip Girl

So, Gossip Girl last night, muy wonderful. At first I was about to get really pissed when I found out Blair wasn't pregnant, I was like "Wait, all that hype and she's not preggers!?" but then when I realized her life was ruined, I was satisfied. (Hmm that sounds so harsh, but it's a damn TV character) So I know I a lot of people love Dan, but as the season goes on I really just want to slap him in the face, however this episode he showed some balls. He was like "That was not an okay answer" go dan, you tell the little blonde girl who'll take advantage of you and stomp on your heart. (Because it will happen you know, just give it time)

I still can't believe they're Juniors in highschool, that completely throws me. I mean, I wish I could have sit at a bar chill as hell, when I was a Junior.

Predictions: Jenny and Nate --> I mean I've been waiting for it to happen for the longest time, because in the books well you know. So I was thinking, hey maybe this will happen, although Nate seems to be barely aware of her, and there's no Big Boobs in this show, so I don't know.

By the way. I love the fashion in this show. Jenny's coat, a must have. Blaire's head scarves, must have as well. I could take or leave Serena's style, But I know people who could dig it.