Monday, January 21

Get 'Em High

Artist: Kanye West (Feat. Talib Kweli & Common)
Album: College Dropout

More bored writing... Picked up where I left of, though it scatters sooo

The first year of school is always the hardest year of school, we move away from people that you’ve practically known since birth to meet new people who only have one thing in common with you, living quarters. At least how that’s how Ariana felt about her roommate Cecily. Every time she walked into her room she had a feeling of dread, for if her roommate was there, it would be a time of hell. She took a deep breath and turned the key in the lock opening the door. There she was, Cecily, lounged out on her bed watching television. Not any old television, Ariana’s television. With a scarf on her head, bundled by the covers, and Ariana’s controller in her arm she had manned her post. Ariana walked into the room, hung her coat up in the closet and changed into her boyfriend’s sweatpants and an old tee-shirt, she was exhausted. She went to her desk and pulled out her book for some work that was due tomorrow, when she heard her roommate’s deep voice resonate throughout the small space they shared. “Hey boo!” Damn. She had called her boyfriend again, and probably wouldn’t get off the phone until three in the morning. Ariana was not in the mood for any of it, but she wasn’t about to start a fight either. She put her coat back on, and grabbed her lighter and her Camels and walked out the door. Sitting on the steps of the dorm, she lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply. She no longer tried to feel the smoke fill her lungs, but instead waited for the nicotine to hit her brain. It zoomed through her head and relaxed her instantly. She slumped on the steps thinking to herself and watching the people pass by. “If she does this one more time, I swear I’m gonna go off on her” she thought, “who am I kidding, I don’t have the balls, she’ll probably cut me.” Tired of mentally contradicting herself, she took another drag and relaxed some more. She saw Nia’s tall lanky figure walking up the steps, and offered her a cigarette. Nia plopped down next to her and lit up, they were two deep souls sharing the smoke and thinking about life. “Fuck roommates.” Ariana blurted out. “Ha, I second that” Nia agreed. “Jasmine is out of her mind today, trying to kick me out my own damn room at four o’clock in the afternoon.” Ariana didn’t know what she was talking about, but she agreed with her in silence. Taking another drag she calmed down even more, “Hey, is it cool if I come study in your room? I mean if that psycho Jasmine bitch isn’t there?” she asked, “Yeah” Nia responded coolly, she threw her cigarette butt into the bushes and got up, swiping the dirt off her butt. “I’ve got some stuff that’ll make you forget about your roommate anyways.”

They were all sitting at the table in the loud cafeteria eating their lunches, “I can’t eat anymore chicken, they’ve like IV’ed it into my system.” Vanessa said, “I think I’ve had chicken in every way imaginable, there are absolutely no other surprises they can come up with.” “That’s what they want you to think.” Janay said slyly as she stole some fried chicken off of her friend’s plate. Nia walked over to them and slammed her lunch tray down on the table. “SeƱor Patterson is trippin y’all, he gave me another B on my Spanish composition, he was like, ‘Nia nesecito usar los verbos en la forma correcto.’ ” Nia gave a overly dramatic sigh, “It’s not like I’m ever going to use this in real life.” Ariana tried to stifle a laugh, “I mean, it’s not like it’s one of the most widely spoken languages in the world either.” She said sarcastically. When all four of them were seated at the table they shared their stories and jokes, enjoying the break between classes. Every Tuesday and Thursday they were all able to come together and have lunch. It was their time that nobody could get in the way of, filled with joyful simple conversation. They would recite movie quotes, or re-enact funny moments that happened to them, not caring how stupid they looked. They would share their petty problems at the table, but nothing too serious. Money Problems, Family Problems, and shitty GPA”s were all forgotten at lunch time. It was their girl talk that could only be appreciated by best friends. The four of them were so different, but they had the most volatile dynamic as far as friendships go. Vanessa was the fresh faced brooding girl, who was always thinking deeply about life and turning her petty problems into dramatic events. Janay was the perceived wild child who danced to her own drum, her personality was a roller coaster of emotions and she didn’t hide them easily. Nia was the athletic one of the group, she intimidated most people standing at a massive 6’4, but she was really a gentle giant with the girlest tendencies. Lastly there was Ariana, she was the easygoing freewheeling one of the bunch, she did whatever she pleased and didn’t ask anyone for permission. She had the loudest mouth but the warmest personality. Each one of them had their strengths and each one of them had their faults, but they were all friends on the same path at the same point in their lives.