Friday, December 14

She Lives In My Lap

...I love this song.

Speaking of Love, it is the topic of today's indulgence. My Love Life, or it's non-existence is pissing me off. For those of you who know, and for those of you who care, I am indeed a virgin. I have no problem with it, except for those days where it seems everyone is getting some except for me, and I'm just feeling extremely..well you know. However, a couple of weeks ago thing seemed to be popping off in the love life of Victoria.

The list is now smashed to pieces, all except one have been erased. I guess that's a good thing, I saw the people for who they were and not what they looked like. So, last week I guess it was, I don't take heed of time now, CC told me that he liked me, and I let him know the feeling was mutual. I also told him I'd rather get to know him instead of running into things, he agreed. We had two great nights of talking and things have slowed down to a crawl, and I mean a crawl.

So I thought, well maybe when I get home things will happen with someone special. (This someone special is really not anyone special, he just happens to have a special place in my mind) Well my pseudo date never happened. {Let's not call it a date, let's call it a movie going experience, date is expecting too much, like reciprocated feelings.} College has truly changed me, I think I would have been sitting by the phone had this been last year, but now I could care less...or well just a little. Since it hasn't happened yet, I don't give it much hope.

Lastly, hmm this one's a hard one. BG, my friend. Not even really my friend, I haven't seen him since he stopped having gettin' it with BabyMama. After that he basically disappeared, but one night I was bored so I started IM'ing him. Surprisingly, we tended to have really good, fun, entertaining conversations OVER THE INTERNET. I don't think I've seen him in the flesh since October. However, we have this like witty banter thing, that I kind of love, but maybe he's just like that. I'm intrigued by him, I think for no better reason, in that I can talk to him and he'll listen but at the same time push me away. It's cute, I kind of like it. (Read above: Daddy Issues) I don't think he would ever feel the same way I would feel if I ever started to develop real feelings, which I could see happening.

Woah, dealing too much in the Hypothetical.

My life is too much in the Hypothetical. I need to get up, get out, and actually live it sometime.

Wait...that would mean I need gas money.