Wednesday, December 12

If I Ruled the World

Just so people know, because I don't know if I stated this before, but my Blog titles are always the titles of the songs I'm currently listening to. Maybe I should start putting the artist?

So If I Ruled The World:

• I would make myself skinny, and make sure that everyone's inner beauty matched their outer beauty. NO MORE BITCH MODELS!
• World Peace DUH!!
• Make a day where one person in the world was INSANELY rich, and they could do whatever the hell they wanted with a bajillion dollars
•I'd create the number 'a Bajillion'
•I'd make chocolate non-fat and zero calories
•I'd make everyone have a library of music, and they would have to have an album from each genre to have a well rounded perspective of today's music.
•Same goes for books
•No one would know what racism, sexism, ageism, or homophobia is

I like my world...I think?