Tuesday, September 11

I'm Jockin On Your Bitch Ass

If I hear that song one more time....Lawd Help Me.

It's Septmeber 11th Y'all and I would just like to say sorry to all the people who's lives have been deeply affected by the tragedies that happened six years ago, and for those who take this day as a light day, as the biggest decision of their day was whether to buy the new Kanye or 50 album....well Fuck You very much.

I'm sorry but I am not "down" with that shit. Over 1,000 people died six years ago, and I don't care if you lived in the booneys and didn't know anyone, it hurt a lot of people. This is a day of rememberance, a day of mourning. @ least that's how I feel, and I'm not one of those patriotic sons of bitches, but I do deeply believe in the value of human life. Seriously, more than a thousand people didn't come home that night, or any other night afterwards, their souls leave unfinished business lingering from the big streets of new york all the way down to the small towns where they're from.

I knew many people who died on this day, and it hurts me to think that I will never see them again. It also makes me realize that I am oh-so-lucky to be alive enough to contemplate which CD I am going to buy, and why. So just sit and think a bit, about people who have lost loved ones, in any kind of attack, people who were taken when it was not their time, and just pay hommage to the fact that we are all given the right to live, but life can be taken away in one simple stroke.