Thursday, September 6

Falling in love with love is falling for make believe

"I was unwise with eyes unable to see"

So um. I'm not in love. It's a beautiful thing. Being in un-reciprocated love is torment. You stress, your hair falls out. You make up shit in your head and ACTUALLY believe it.

I'm so glad not be in love. I'm so glad to be away from Princeton. A new scene, with people I've never met before wanting to get to know ME. Victoria. Not the Victoria they remember from 5th grade. No body here remembers that I was a tomboy....or a bunch of other things about me. I get to be the person I want to be. I'm not re-inventing myself...I'm just improving myself. Feel me? I'm still quirky, dumb, dorky, and even MORE!!!!

I went to my lady doctor appointment, I weigh alot less with shoes on! Do you know what that means!!! COLLEGE LOVES ME!
I'll probablly gain it all back on vodka and krystal burgers this weekend though. Bleh.

So let's talk about something relevant, rather than this be a diary about my morbid annoying life.

So I listened to Chamillionare, the boy can rap I'm not gonna lie. I didn't give him props on his last album becuause I thought it was dumb luck, like 50 cent, but he's the real McCoy. How rare is that. I hope everyone loves hip-hop. They should.

Congress Doesn't though.