Sunday, September 23

Black People Should Just get Over Slavery

Okay, so I read that stupid blog by Adrienne Curry.

Seriously, if I hadn't had wanted to puke before, that shit would have made me extremely nauseous. For real though, thank god she didn't bring up HBCU's because then we would have a terrible mess. I am not going to forget slavery, neither am I going to get over it. Why would I want to forget about something that still affects me today, or only learn about small parts of it. American history does exist, but it is the history written by the winners, by a one sided, cookie-cutter view that wants us to see the greatness of America, and the Glory of what we are. What we really are though is completly different story. We are a country whose entire economic system was built on the backs of slaves and immigrants who, guess what, were at the bottom of the barrel and had to deal with ridiculous amounts of oppression. In fact, many racial groups still feel that oppression in their lives every day....let's go into black history, let's go into more than slavery. How about 100 years later when Blacks were turned down for housing because they would depreciate the property value based on their race. There was an acute formula for that shit, that the FHA made, and that turned into what we call redlining, Whew....all based on the fact that I'm Black. Look at those neighborhoods, am I going to forget that too, that my people were placed in areas that were specifically designed for a person to suffer and stay down? To not be able to accumulate wealth and have the AMERICAN dream? The truth of America is that it has always been disjointed, and still today institutionally against blacks. I don't like BET, I fucking hate Hell Date, but at least it's a gratification to SOME people that it's there at the end of the day. That people have to come and acknowledge that we're here. It's even more important with Black History Month. Acknowledge that I'm here, acknowledge what people have done to me to put me in the situation I am currently in. I did not spend my whole sophomore year learning about the Holocaust, to be shut up when I want to talk about my people. Share the culture, share one month out of tweleve bitch, and stick to what you know, which is obviously nothing.