"You Can Get With This or you Can Get With That"
Song: The Choice is Yours
Artist: Black Sheep
Album: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
I love Sanaa Lathan, like in a way that I shouldn't love her. If I ever saw Sanaa Lathan all bets would be off, people say their gay for Angelina Jolie, HELL NO if it would be anyone, it'd be Sanaa Lathan. Okay, jumping off that creepy tangent, I just finished watching Something New, and I was thinking which Sanaa movie is my favorite. It always comes down between Love and Basketball and Brown Sugar.
I first saw Brown Sugar when it came on TV, it was at a period in my life where I was in love with Tae Diggs and didn't know who in the world Sanaa Lathan was, I thought the movie was funny, and had a key element in it...Mos Def. I finally saw Love and Basketball last year when the kid lent it to me, because even Boys were apalled at the fact that I hadn't watched it yet.
Honestly....I watched it, and was unimpressed. The love story was nice and whatnot...but Brown Sugar was acted out so much better, and there were separate story lines, the world didn't totally revolve around Sidney and Dre.
I mean..but what do you think?