Wednesday, February 18

"I hate hearing stories about who you've been with"

Song: Brand New
Artist: Drake

Mixtape: So Far Gone (download link)
OMG...It Goes There
Okay so I've been refusing to comment on this mixtape for a while. I'm a hardcore degrassi fan, My friend Roni and I used to recap the episodes verbatim. I'm all for the golden age of Degrassi, when Craig was cheating on Ashley and hooking up with Manny, and Jimmy could walk! Basically, I stopped watching the show when Aubrey Grahm's fine ass was condemed to a wheelchair. So Jimmy get's paralyzed but Spinner stays on the damn show?! Ughh sickening.

So for all those non-hardcore fans (pshh) Jimmy AKA Aubrey Grahm AKA Drake can Rap and Sing. Like f'reals. He had some blow off single like last year with Trey Songz that I watched with the sound off. However, this mixtape is much more refined...and he know's he can't even rap about the mean streets of Degrassi so there's no frontin' on the Gangsta side. I like that...however, he will always be Aubrey to me...Sexy ass Aubrey.

Okay, so anyways I was listening to one song off his new mixtape called Brand New Oh Em Geezy. I thought it was Trey Songz, and got really excited, cause I love myself some Trey, but no it turned out to be Aubrey Grahm serenading me, with his fine ass. It's definitely on repeat. I just love that he Sings AND Raps..and it's not even corny either. All I can say is thank god he didn't get into that trap of a Disney contract a la Raven.

Props to Dion for coercing me into downloading this.

Grab yo' Boo for this one