Wednesday, February 18

"Hide the Government Cheese"

Story: How to Date A Whitegirl, Browngirl, Blackgirl, or Halfie
Author: Junot Diaz
Published: New Yorker

This short story is so great. I was assigned to read it for my English class, so I went looking for it online because I don't have the book. What I found was much better than the book, it was a recording by the author himself.

This short story is an instructional guide for a boy from the Dominican Republic, living outside of Union City on how to go on a date with a girl whether she's White, Black, Brown or Mixed. It's so great because it's so honest. The author talks about hiding government cheese, where to take her for a meal depending on where she's from, and how to get in her pants. It's honesty brings a great social commentary on Class, Race, Age and insecurities that come with all three. Hope you all enjoy.