Friday, November 28

I'ma see you through your Window

I never got this song when it was younger. I just loved Pharell and thought he was so cute, and I loved the part when he said, "I'ma see you later, I'ma see you through your window," it was instant love. (Well you know how I am about love.) Now that I'm a little bit older, and can understand what Frontin' is, this songs makes me happy. I absolutely loved Jay's verse, it explains it clearly.

"Everytime when your name was brought up/I would act all nonchalant/
in front of an audiance/like you was just another shorty I put tha nauti
on/but uh, truth be told/you threw me for a loop it's hov/I'm told old
to be frontin but I'm feelin'/Denzelin'/actin' like your ain't appeallin' 
when you are/stunin' like your ain't my only girl when you are/(Pharell)
[I was just frontin']/I'm ready to stop when you are/"

So I was just thinking, why do we front? We look and search for security and soleness of affection within another, yet we're afraid to do the same...Guys and girls alike.

Why do you front? Why does He front? Why does She Front?