Friday, September 26

Reckless Love

Artist: Alicia Keys

Album: As I Am

So, it's not so much reckless love. It's more complicated, irksome, glorious, and painful love. Sometimes I don't even know if I'm in love, and sometimes I'm just in so deep I could drown in it.

While I was thinking about love, (in of all places: Class) I thought to myself.

Would you give up everything you love, for the one you love?

My first reaction was yes, If I could, I'd drop everything. Then I thought about it, is it beneficial to me? Everything I love, Singing, Partying, Shopping, Dancing, Reading, blah blah blah. Now I know I wouldn't have to give all of these up, but what if? What if someone asked you to give all of that up, so you two could be together?

What would they give up?

Is it Worth it?