Friday, August 1

Paper Planes

Artist: MIA

Album: (Pineapple Express Soundtrack?)

Yes I listen to normal popular music like everyone else. I find it quite refreshing sometimes to be "a part of it" even if I feel on the outside while doing so. Currently it's 4:32 and I can't sleep. At all, like sleep is not coming. So I've resolved to downloading music and writing reviews on albums. (Oh yeah I do that too) I love music a lot, it consumes a big part of my life. I get iritable if my ipod isn't working, or commercials come on in the store, if music isn't playing I don't feel right. Some people say it's a sign of my generation, if we're not plugged in to something (iPod, iMac, Apple TV :Damn You Steve Jobs:) we don't feel complete. So I guess instead of Jerry McGuire completing...erm whatever ReneƩ Zelweger's character's name was just doesn't cut it anymore. Oh wellz

Yeah but I just re-discovered an amazing duo of some smart Black Boys. Kidz in the Hall doesn't not play they come with it, and I think all should recognize. Their sophomore album "The In Crowd" is that fire. Buy It. (No Subliminal Messages Here)

The link to megaupload...right about now.