Friday, July 4

Do you ever think about me?

This summer is by far one of the most boring summers, EVER.

All my friends are gone, have jobs, don't call.

I mean I love having time to myself, and I love working out things for myself....but I mean I need social time. I feel like one of the SIMS who would like cry if they didn't get enough social time. My brain is collapsing with the lack of thoughts I process through it these days. Gah. All I do is play World of Warcraft. Run. Watch Arrested Development, Run, Chill.

My eating disorder is back. (Now let's see how long she resurfaces)

Just a catch-up on everyone, I'm ED-NOS. My eating disorder is not otherwise specified. I have one, that is a mix of Bulima, Compulsive Overeating, and oh I forget the last one...but yes that's what I am. Every couple of months, I won't eat above 300 calories a day, and then all of a sudden I forget to not eat. (Like a Dumbass)

Oh well.