Tuesday, August 26

Here We Go Again

They sat.
Pacing in their heads.
Trying to play a game of mental mastermind
She was silently picking at the pills in her sweater
He was staring at the flicker on the screen of his phone.
They were talking.

I Feel.
I Think.
You Should.
I know.

He blinked.
She sighed.
A nervous laugh that didn't belong escaped into the room.
They stole glances at each other
Still trying to decipher the thoughts of the soul sitting across from them.
They were fighting.

But You.
That's Wrong.
I Can't
Oh Well.

She weeped
He mumbled
A silence hung dead in the air, to replace the life of their sound
They quietly reminisced about each other
Each praying that love would have treated them differently
They were giving up

She stood up,
He lied down
The door shut after her,
The pillow sank beneath him
and love closed behind them both.