Thursday, February 7

She Want's To Move

Artist: N.E.R.D.
Album: Fly or Die

Angsty Teen Poetry!

My heart hurts,
It burns, not with passion but with pain
of thousands of needles are pricking at it
trying to tear it open,
destroying my layers

I didn't think they could go so deep
I didn't let you in that far
so why are you hurting me so much
Why is my heart burning.

It's dropped down to my stomach
sagging with sorrow
slowly drumming to a melancholy beat
every pump reaches out for something that's not there

It longs to see your smile
To hear your words
Feel your warmth
and touch your heart.

Did I ever touch your heart
I know, I didn't let you in much
but you didn't let me in at all
you don't feel the hurt that I do
You'll never feel my pain.