Tuesday, January 1

Hit Em Up Style

Happy New Year Every One!

Oh I'm so glad it's 2008, a new year a new chance. YAYYY so glad so glad so glad!

I'm going back to school a couple saturdays from now, I'm excited. I'll get to see CC and CG. Can a say a secret? I'm more excited to see BG than I am to see CC. Bad I know, but what can you do. Victoria is usually attracted to those bad boys who are never good for her.

I'm working at macy's for the holidays until I go back to school. It's not my dream job, but hopefully it's a little extra cash in the pocket.

I didn't make any new years resolutions, but lets try some:

Lose 15 Pounds
Go out on a date and not regret it
Get over "The One" once and for all
Stop Smoking when I'm drunk
Communicate with the family more
Let Amanda know that I really do Love her, not because I'm supposed to but because she's actually a really great person.
Be the Best Aunt Ever.