Monday, September 3

Your Firearms are too short to box with God.

Well I am now in Atlanta, and alot less angsty. Damn I was angry back in July. I think it was becuase everyone was gone. Now in college, I am much less stressed, I'm sure that will change in the coming weeks, but for right now it is all good.

I thought I would come to Spelman and re-invent myself, but I'm doing the same old Victoria things. Weird thing is, I now like them. The only thing that is different is my level of cleanliness and love of hip-hop. Moving to the south really makes you appreciate reall MC's. No lie. In a world where Souljah Boy comes on the radio every ten minutes you need at least another corresponding ten minutes of Hip-Hop. My choice of the night, and actually just all the time is Mos Def and Talib Kweli are: BlackStar. I love it, I bump this album in my car, in my room, in other people's rooms, on my iPod. Everywhere. I love it.

Downside to college. My limewire doesn't work in my dorm. Bleh. I'm one of those eclectic people who loves to download whatever, whever, yet right now I can't do that, and I'm too lazy to write shit down.

Hmm...another thing. People in the south don't curse like people in Jersey do. In Jersey it's a given. If your around me I probablly will drop the F-bomb within ten minutes of knowing you. Here I get strange looks, no one says anything, but people seriously don't like it. Fuck 'em though. It's what I do. That's why I'm friends with people from Philly, cuz they get me.

I have to figure out this purging thing here. I think I'm gonna get a bucket for my room, and do it when my roomate isn't here, and then just clean it out in the Janitor's closet. Gangsta.