Wednesday, July 18

Boredom Rules The Summer

So I don't think someone up in heaven wants me to drive. Seriously. I have had car/driving problems ever since I turned sixteen, and today, when my car was supposed to be completely fixed, the part didn't come. Woe is Me.

I've gotten fatter by the way. Really fat, I wasn't trying to impress anyone anymore now that Pinto left high school. (That was a long time ago that I cared) Seriously though, I've gotten too fat, but the one thing I know how to do is run. Run, and purge all my shit up. So tomorrow the diet plan is what it was exactly two years ago. 700 calories or less, run twice. Do this, and do it hard, so when I get to school, my body will get back in the swing of things.

I'm eighteen now, and in some way that makes me big and bad right? Wrong. It makes me weak, I haven't done anything. Actually I've done worse. I've started smoking, it's bad. THAT I'm quitting before school. Who needs to smoke anyways. I just smoke when I'm drunk, to shut my big ass mouth up.

Alright, I'm done for today. Tomorrow will be better!