Saturday, January 24

"That I'm Hooked On Your Body, and I'm Tryin Ta Be Yours"

Song: Rockin That Thang
Artist: The-Dream
Album: Love vs. MoneySomeone told me, " will never be the best, there's always someone out there that's better than you." When I was younger, it was very discouraging. I thought why bother, if I'm not going to be the best at what I do? Now, I take those words as a challenge.

I've always considered myself an okay writer, I know that I can get better, wayyy better, but I like where I am for my age. However today I just got schooled. I had to read John Updike's short story Summer. It's about a boy experiencing the Summer between his childhood and his adolescence, it's an ambiguous time, that's interesting to write about, but not something I would necessarily enjoy reading.

The story starts off kind of slow, I hate when writers talk about trees and birds and all that crap. It's such a turn off, I purposely avoid mentioning trees in my writing because I hate it that much. So I was already irritated by the story when I read it, but I kept going. (I kinda had to it was assigned) and then sentences just started jumping out at me.

"Now and then he would lean into the floating strands of her hair and speak into her fragrance, watching her smile swell in the pale half-light of the moon, the umber glow of the boat's rear light, her laughter spilling backward over the swirlng "V" of the wake."
Tough. Yeah I'm a geek.