Tuesday, January 6

"Oh Happy Day"

Song: Oh Happy Day
Artist: Ryan Toby (and the Sister Act 2 Gospel Choir)
Album: Sister Act II: Back In The HabitSo Apple Came out with some interesting news this MacWorld. They've finally let go of their futile attempt to block creativy and freedom of use by doing away with their silly DRM (digital rights management) encoding so that the buyer of the music can have more freedom with what he/she chooses to do with it. Then there is the new pricing structure, $0.69. $0.99, and $1.29. They haven't exactly said, what deems a certain song at a certain price point, but it's a sure bet that those Summer Jams and major names will now be charging $1.29 per song.

That's not the best news though, for those of us who like to download music on our iPhones away from our homes, Itunes is now making it possible to download music from the Itunes store, over the 3G netwoork. Snoogins!

Here's a little rejoicing music, this is actually my favorite scene, because it looks like they had so much fun making the movie.