Sunday, December 14

To Iphone or not to Iphone?

I have a dilemma. My contract is up with the almighty AT&T, and I'm due for an upgrade, which would lock us back into their HORRIBLE service. (With hidden fees and hidden agendas) However, I walked into that store and I saw the beautiful, inviting, and dare I say it? Sexy Iphone. Yeah Sexy.

Here's the thing, mom's and I are going to have to downgrade on the minutes so our bill won't be through the roof. S'cool with me, I text more than I talk, (if Mr. Officer stops calling me.) However, AT&T is just being ridiculous. $30 for fam. text. $30X2 for iPhone Plan if my mom gets it too...

Side Eye, I just think it's crazy to pay that much for intangible things...