Friday, December 12

"Back To The Basics"

I am a firm believer in Karma... So, I must have done something really inexplicable to have had the day that I had last week... So, soon after KoKo got her Audrey back, my Toni St. James (that's my computers name) had to go to the Apple Hospital, also known as the Genius Bar to receive a hard drive transplant... Needless to say, all of my work, pictures, music and programs were gone... :(
So, the day that T.J., that's short for Toni St. James of course, was dropped off to the Apple Hospital, I went back to school and I really had to go to the bathroom... By nature I usually put my phone in my back pocket... Well, I'm pretty sure everyone can see where this is going... Yes, as I rushed to pull down my pants to use the bathroom my lovely T-mobile Wing fell into the toilet... :(

It was officially dead, cause of death "drowning"... As you can imagine my day was not going well, T.J. had a stroke and T.W. (that stand for t-mobile wing, that's my phones name, LOL) drowned... I was devastated...  And if things couldn't get any worst, Koko and I decided to play Guitar Hero World Tour (which had the best songs in the history of guitar hero on it) and my X-box Elite decided to also go into cardiac-arrest... All I could say was, GREAT!!! (sarcastically of course)... So, I was X-box-less, Computer-less, and Phone-less... In order to maintain my connection with the world my roommate brought me her mom's old phone, which is the exact same phone that I had before I got T.W., the T-mobile MDA... 

So, I was officially "Back to the Basics"... Old phone, no computer and no X-box... Now, let's fast forward... Since, I believe in Karma, I must have done some type of good deed to seemingly offset the events of last week... Well, thank the heavens I got T.J. back and lets just say she is better then ever... She had a brand new keyboard, track pad, and hard drive (all for free curtsy of Applecare), and I believe that she and I were both excited to have a new beautiful purple case to replace the cracked orange one she use to have... 
And as for my phone, I will soon be receiving a black G1 phone from T-mobile... Thank God, its time for me to receive an UPGRADE... 

And as for my X-box... He is still currently in the Microsoft Hospital (being fixed for FREE once again), so please keep him in your prayers!!! So, I guess the lesson in all this is "Every cloud has a silver lining"... No matter how bad things get, some one may always have it worst, and even though it seems like your whole world has  been "flushed down the toilet" you never know what kind of blessings will fall from the sky... My deepest apologies go out to God, for my lack of faith, and my greatest thanks go out to Him for everything!!! Current status: Non-denominational... (All events may not have happened in the exact order stated)