Sunday, November 23

I See You In My Nightmares

Artist: Kanye West

Album: 808 and Heartbreak

I love being a girl sometimes, you get free things for no reason. The guy at the counter of the Varsity will throw some fries in your meal for free. You get in free at clubs (before 11...), and people are usually looking to buy YOU a drink. I noticed this very unfair advantage at a young age and immediately started putting it to good use. My puppy dog/bat my eyelashes/touch his forearm/and smile routine is so down pat I could do it in my sleep.  Yes I know it's wrong to do, but guys run game, so it equals out. (In my Opinion)

However, I digress. This talent we ladies posses comes back to bite me in the ass at parties. Last night we were out, and all of a sudden I got the craving, and I was not resisting either. (Bad Victoria!) So, you know I ask some girls who are smoking outside if they have a clove or a cigarette, and they give me the stank look, and they're like '...uh no." Whatever, I kept it moving, but I got really desperate because nobody had one and now my mind was fixated on it.I used "the move" like 5 times and was able to get 2 cigarettes and a black, but no clove. At this point I was getting pissed,  cause it was my mission in life to find a clove. Not a cigarette, not a black, a clove. So, I run into a buddy, use "the move" on him, he tells me to go find someone with a green and white hoodie on. (a complete stranger mind you) I find Mr. White and Green hoodie and I use "the move", and I get his clove and his lighter! Success!(/FALIURE!!!)

But you know how Black people are, right after that two scavengers come up, and he's like "Nah Son" But I got it, cause I have "the move's baby, the mooooves" -the last dragon. All in all I used "the move" 7 times last night en route to get a damn clove, that might be classified as doing the most"

Disclaimer: I'm not supporting my addiction, I'm mad as hell that I was smoking last night, and my throat is raw and scratchy. I'm just commenting on the way I went about accessing the contraband.