Sunday, December 9

Like You'll Never See Me Again

Hello Y'all,

I'm home, finally. I'm officially done with my first semester in college, and I couldn't be more grateful. I loved college, but this break was well deserved, and equally as necessary. My room is different, my parents made it into like a guest room, but I like it, it's less crowded, which is what I need. What's weird though is that I miss my dorm. I think it's because i decorated it, and put together the color scheme and set up. (Everything is pink) I've decided when I grow up, my house will have hardwood floors, Carpet just makes the room feel stuffy.

I have a date with an old flame of mine. Well I don't know whether to call it a date or an old flame. Let me rephrase it, I'm going to the movies with an old interest of mine, who I used to be butt crazy in love with. I thought that I would feel exactly the same when I came back, but this isn't the case. I'm not as excited as I once was, major bullshit I must say. He's a great kid, I should feel excited, maybe I've just been burned so many times by him, I don't expect much anymore....who knows.

My car, (el torro) lives. It is a beast, but it is beautiful. It's a 1997 Audi A4 Quattro w/ a 2.8 turbo, it's kind of sexy. It needs to get a wash, but that would mean I need a paycheck. Which I hopefully will get, because I applied for jobs today, and I already got an interview at Macy's. Cha-Ching. Hopefully this time I'll save the money so I can stretch it out into next semester...woot. I told them I was available at any every hour if they needed me, I want to get paid.

That's about it on the update of my life.


Jonathan Collins and I are about to have a fight, I'll elaborate next time.