"This aint subliminal Feel the critical mass approach horizon"
Song: Calm Like A Bomb
Artist: Rage Against the Machine
Album: The Battle of Los Angeles
So I've been watching the Matrix Trilogy...while studying for my two important classes of tomorrow. It's gotten so bad, that I've titled my note cards (depending on importance) as Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Naiobe, Link, and Agent Smith. Agent Smith cards being those hard ass questions/topic teachers like to ask just to fuck with you. Yeah, I'm a nerd.
Anyways, I'm finishing up Revolutions as we speak, gotta love the dock scenes with the Sentinels having a field day. However, I know I'm going to have some crazy ass nightmares, I mean what type of drugs were you smoking when you came up with this?

whatever happened to the good robots like Wall-E
I'll save my matrix discussions for another day, but this was just at the forefront of my brain. That, and homie who played Bane (You know the guy, whose mind got infiltrated by Agent Smith) how good of an actor do you have to be, to make me see someone completely different than you, IN you! Whenever I looked at the character of Bane, I only saw Agent Smith, never Bane, his manerisms, his speech, everything sounded just like Hugo Weaving's character....Tough.