Wednesday, February 11

"They're Coming to Take Me Away HaHa"

So, it's HERE! Hello KittyX Mac hits stores tomorrow, but we got the skinny today, when one of the artist was putting it out. The collection is FULL of bright colors, that almost look unwearable but are actually really cute, especially if you're going out for a formal event. My absolute favorites:

Nice To Be Nice Lip Glass
Too Dolly Eye Shadow Pallete (Stately Black {which looks blue} is GORGEOUS!! It's got a unique sparkle in it)
Deep Blue Green Pigment

All of the colors are great, but have ALOT of glitter, if you're not into shimmer this line is not for you. We were only at the Counter so we didn't get to see all of the accessories like the Mirror and such, but we're going back tomorrow and we're taking pictures.

Happy Trails!!