Sunday, December 14

"The Black Book"

I am pleased to announce that I have just received my first 11" by 12", hard bound, black leather sketch book... My mom has decided to fully embrace my decision to become a Studio Art Major, and purchased what I have deemed "The Black Book"... I know, the name is not as creative as Tony St. James but it is kind of a play on the infamous "little black book" of phone numbers that everyone is supposably known to have... Well, instead of phone numbers my black book simply contains ideas, and designs from past stages of my life up until the present... I am in the process of transferring all of my magazine clippings, notes, drawings and all that good stuff into the book... Now I have a central location to keep all of my inspiration, and innovation... It is almost like a diary in a way, but instead of writing everything, pictures, words, sketches, and ect. will depict who I am in that particular moment... "The Black Book" is some what private but may be viewed by those I trust... I have already filled at least 10 of its white acid free pages with things I desire, things I admire, and things that just simply run through my head... It is my way of organizing the multitude of things that run through my mind on a daily... It is simply a layout of that magazine that is MY LIFE!!!