Thursday, February 19

"Welcome To Heartbreak"

Every now and then I wonder, why I put up with certain people in my life... People that continue to cause me pain and anguish... People that constantly use me... People that really don't appreciate me... Maybe its just my belief that in life you should always treat people the way you want to be treated, so in my daily life I try not to hit below the belt while arguing, or intentionally hurt some ones feelings because I know I can... So, why is it that people choose to do the exact things to me, that I would never do to them... Maybe, its because they think Im weak... Maybe, its because they think that I will put up with it... Whatever it is, it stops here!!! I will no longer let the thoughts, opinions, or words of others hurt me... I will no longer give respect were respect is not deserved... At these moments when I feel hurt and betrayed I usually listen to my favorite song off of "808s and Heartbreaks", "Welcome to Heartbreak"... And although I feel much like Kanye, when he speaks of continuos visions, I will not let those visions, change the reality of the situation... I will not let the constant thought of being betrayed fuel me into an emotional downward spiral, I will use those visions to inspire me... Inspire my work, my life, and hopefully through my own mental inspirations, I can inspire others... I will be great one day, without the help of anybody who believes that they have the right to disrespect me, or who believes that I am so far gone that they can attempt to manipulate me... Im glad "I can't stop having these vision, I gotta get wit it", and continue to be positively fueled by the negativity that may surround me at times...